I love painting hares and even though they are always well received I have to restrict myself or I’d paint nothing else! I’ve been working with this composition in mind for a while, sometimes with a third hare (this will be just the two…I think!) and sometimes not. Then a little while ago, whilst enjoying the great outdoors with some lovely friends I hit on the possibility of using thistle seed down instead of my usual silk.

Now, this really excites me. I love gathering natural fibres to include in my work, so couldn’t wait to try it. I suppose I should have spent a good bit of time experimenting and checking they would look ok before I painted them in, but no! It’s a hare… every hare is loved….I’m not sure I could ever do an experimental hare as I get too involved and love them too much! So here he is my hedgerow hare in the making….

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